Rust macro export

Rust macro export. The type provide interfaces for iterating over those token trees and, conversely, collecting a number of token trees into one stream. Create a new crate inside our existing Rust project. This crate provides an attribute macro for making the visibility of the macro_rules! macro the same as other items. But this way couldn't make sure that I don't forget to import the trait. Share Improve this answer Note that we use the macro in the main function while the macro is defined in the macros module. 53. Declarative macros ( macro_rules!) cannot solve this on their own. Currently we either prepend a string of macro definitions to every file, such as with debug!, error!, etc. This will do three things: Label the generated macro_rules! with #[macro_export] and #[doc(hidden)]. Macros are expanded at an early stage in compilation, before name resolution. e. rs use my_crate::*; my_proc_macro is defined in its own crate and depends on my_core_code . Apr 26, 2018 · They put #[macro_use] on the extern crate line then they use everything from the diesel_derives project. macro_rules! my_macro { (. Procedural macros must be defined in a crate with the crate type of proc-macro. They can be used to abstract away repetitive or boilerplate code, as well as to create custom language constructs. connpass. Consider I have a crate a with this module: pub mod some_module { #[macro_export] macro_rules! some_macro { {} => { println!("Hello!"); } } } Then that crate will export the macro as a::some_macro. May 12, 2020 · a proc-macro = true crate currently cannot export any items other than functions tagged with #[proc_macro], #[proc_macro_derive], or #[proc_macro_attribute]: The solution to the second problem is easy, but a bit more cumbersome: a "normal" Rust crate that wants to define, among other things, procedural macros, needs, in practice, to be split in The term macro refers to a family of features in Rust: declarative macros with macro_rules! and three kinds of procedural macros: Custom #[derive] macros that specify code added with the derive attribute used on structs and enums. They are given names, and invoked through a consistent syntax: some_extension!(). The external crate is then bound into the declaring scope as the identifier provided in the extern crate declaration. Hi, I was experimenting with new proc macros recently and wondered if it's possible to reexport them. The clean_docs attribute will hide your internal rules from rustdoc . These declarations may appear in modules and blocks, usually at the top. rs, but I don't know how to use m2! in files that are in the same crate. Note: When using Cargo, Procedural macro crates are Aug 20, 2023 · The reasoning was like this: pub macro_rules will work on all editions -> but it also gives an opportunity to remove macro_use and macro_export on the next edition (2021 back then) -> so we need to write migration lints that will suggest using pub macro_rules instead of macro_(use,export)-> no resources to write the lints before the edition release -> pub macro_rules was scrapped as well. Details. rs? I've tried various combinations of #[macro_use] mod macros, etc. Embeds JavaScript code into your Rust program. Oct 10, 2023 · This crate provides the #[export_tokens] macro and a number of companion macros, including the #[import_tokens_proc] and #[import_tokens_attr] macros. rs:12:14 | 12 | println!(a!()); | ^ | = note: import resolution is stuck, try simplifying macro imports error: macro-expanded `macro_export` macros from the current crate cannot be referred to by absolute paths --> . // X!(); // X is defined, but Y! is undefined. In the prelude I can pub use crate; but this also brings the crate's modules into scope. Jun 20, 2022 · error: cannot determine resolution for the macro `a` --> . By default, a macro_rules! macro has no path-based scope. However, unlike macros in C and other Sep 8, 2014 · But it won't be very useful unless names mentioned by macros can change to follow the re-export. Each rule has two parts: a matcher, describing the syntax that it matches, and a transcriber , describing the syntax Nov 26, 2022 · 12. So something like this: # [macro_export] macro_rules! foo { () => { # [macro_export] ma…. You will get the uncommon_codepoints warning if you use this library, so you will probably want to place this in your crate root: Aug 23, 2020 · Yandros August 24, 2020, 8:49am 2. $ cargo new --lib my_proc_macros_lib. In order to export your macro, you will first have to change your macro definition to: "macro_name": ( function: "macro_function", export: true ). しかし Jan 9, 2024 · Advanced FFI in Rust. This means you need to define your module structure from a top-level file, like lib. You can sort of think of procedural macros as functions from an AST to another AST. Dec 25, 2022 · Autoexport. A common hack is to import the desired crate with a know name and use this. Re-exports all types, traits and macros that you want your users to use. /b. js_deserializable: A macro which makes it possible to convert an instance of a given type implementing Serde's Deserialize into a Value using TryInto. . Rust structs and enums can be exported to C using extern “C”. We call such extensions "macros by example" or simply "macros". Starting in Rust 1. Feb 21, 2016 · pub fn custom_abort__(msg: &str) -> ! use std::io::Write; let _ = writeln!(std::io::stderr(), "{}", msg); std::process::exit(1); } As you might expect, this absolutely does not prevent someone from calling custom_abort__ directly. The documentation suggests that if a macro is defined in some scope, then it is available in all child modules does that mean I have to define my macros in lib. Jul 25, 2018 · I tried adding #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)] to make a macro usable outside my crate, but it broke usability inside the crate (like for tests). } } Using macros from other crates or modules: 导入/导出. macro_rules allows users to define syntax extension in a declarative way. That would import all macros from util. Preview E. These units of code reuse have a rich semantic structure. Data structures — Syn provides a complete syntax tree that can represent any valid Rust source code. macro_rules! では、Rustの文法に違反するようなマクロは記述できないようになっています。. They use two forms of scopes: textual scope, and path-based scope. // ignore-tidy-dbg #[doc = include_str! Mar 2, 2019 · 37. rs looks like that: pub extern crate stm32f103xx; So the re-export does not specify the use of macros. But really, if someone ignores warnings in the comments and does so anyway, feel free to laugh at them when their Jan 6, 2023 · 19. If I now have a crate b, which does: use a::some_module::*; fn main() { some_macro!(); } Then this will fail to compile Jul 29, 2016 · In Rust 2018, you can import specific macros from external crates via use statements, rather than the old #[macro_use] attribute. See the documentation of #[macro_vis] for examples and usage. putting the macro in a separate module) but the compiler strangely yields a warning that it didn't re-export anything even when it did . The new $_:pat_param behaves like $_:pat did before; it does not match (top level) |. /// # #[macro_use] extern crate foo; fn main() {. Each macro by example has a name, and one or more rules. We can examine type references syntactically but you can't rely on the characteristics as the following is valid Rust code: type String = (); struct X(String); Additionally, macros can result in increased compile time. js_serializable: A macro which makes it possible to pass an instance of a given type implementing Serde's Serialize into the js! macro. The other is to change the syntax so that you split then process the signatures in two steps. This structure means that Rust’s core MacroTranscriber : DelimTokenTree. Deleted with Power Delete Suite. Nov 4, 2014 · By using pub use, you can export a macro from a module of your crate (in addition to it being exported at the root). rs? Usually a use declaration is used to shorten the path required to refer to a module item. [0:11] As we've seen before, you might think that putting pub in front of macro_rules would fix this problem, but it does not. If we can find a pleasing solution to this problem, we can eliminate a lot of duplicated code e. We give the assert! macro an argument that evaluates to a Boolean. You use the macro model! where the compiler expects an item (function/struct/trait declaration or impl block). As you've seen in previous chapters, macros look like functions, except that their name ends with a bang !, but instead of generating a function call, macros are expanded into source code that gets compiled with the rest of the program. We keep this behavior in the new system. Rust’s FFI support allows exporting more complex types than just primitives to C, as well as importing variadic C functions and macros. Syn is a parsing library for parsing a stream of Rust tokens into a syntax tree of Rust source code. The only way to make some macros private is to split the module into a crate, then use #[macro_export] to define which macros are exported from that crate. rs, people start to rename crates in Cargo. It works with both crate-local and public macros, effectively superseding both #[macro_use] and #[macro_export]. They are defined using the macro_export attribute and are used with It's annoying since it exports to the root library, and I just want users to have to import the prelude for this common macro. This is unnecessary in Rust edition 2018, as it’s possible to use pub use syntax for that purpose. crate::macros::outer_macro!(@inner_macro) }; (@inner_macro) => {. Instead, export the macro like: macro_rules! baz Nov 5, 2014 · However, the new convention is to use an outer attribute, in the file whose syntax environment is affected, rather than an inner attribute in the file defining the macros. An extern crate declaration specifies a dependency on an external crate. Instead, there are a couple of important differences, one of which is "macro hygiene". Run the following command to create a new my_proc_macros_lib crate inside your existing project. /// let x = addone Apr 9, 2024 · A region of source code, along with macro expansion information. This article will cover advanced macro usage in Rust, including examples and best practices. Standard library macros //! //! This module contains a set of macros which are exported from the standard //! library. There are two ways to define new macros: Macros by Example define new syntax in a higher-level, declarative way. The main type provided by this crate, representing an abstract stream of tokens, or, more specifically, a sequence of token trees. Reload to refresh your session. ) => {. Procedural macros allow you to run code at compile time that operates over Rust syntax, both consuming and producing Rust syntax. Macro export and re-export. Whenever your macro mentions the shared types in its generated code, you need to use the fully-qualified names so that Mar 30, 2022 · Here are the steps that we must take starting in our existing Rust project (which maybe a lib or bin or both project). But how do we actually produce the output of a macro? It depends on the type of macro. A | B. Exporting structs and enums. a. Rust's module system can be verbose at times, especially for large apps. rs How do I use the macros in macros. between libcore/macros. They will be exposed as C structs and enums, with the same memory layout as the Rust types. How patterns work in macro_rules macros changes slightly: $_:pat in macro_rules now matches usage of | too: e. /// ```. So I want to know how to import a trait automatically when using the macro rule? Here is my macro: // filename: procedure. We need a way to export macros from modules and import them in other modules. Nov 11, 2022 · I'm trying to understand best practices regarding publicly accessible macros. macro_const! /// The API base URL. However, if it has the #[macro_export] attribute, then it is declared in the crate root scope and can be referred to similar to how you refer to any other item. Thing is, I'd like to be able to call that proc-macro any number of times in a given crate, including more than once. turbo. You need two crates, a "backend" crate that defines the procedural macros and the procedural macros only, and a "frontend" crate that re-exports the procedural macros and defines everything else (functions, types, traits, #[macro_export] macro_rules! macros). The definition contains a list of rules, where each rule describes a use Mar 10, 2020 · I've been learning the basics of Rust and tripped over the pub use in modules that is used to re-export things. Feb 23, 2017 · As far as I understand, proc-macro crates can currently only export procedural macros because when cross-compiling they’re compiler for the host whereas "normal" crates are compiler for the target, and items such as functions or types defined in a proc-macro crate would also need to be compiler for the target when used (through a dependency) on a "normal" crate. By now you’ve learned about many of the tools Rust provides for abstracting and reusing code. If the value is true, nothing happens and the test passes. You switched accounts on another tab or window. They are two crates, one containing derive macros that deriving from trait defining in that crate which is not marked proc-macro = true. Jul 27, 2015 · Doc tests automatically wrap the code block in extern crate foo; fn main() { … } if they don’t find these elements in the code, but to get an exported macro you need the #[macro_use] attribute on the extern crate foo;. () => () This only works for macros defined in external crates. This gives one the troubles of having to re-export all the internal macro_rules! macros as well as polluting the global macro namespace or even worse, macro name collisions with other crates. If the value is false, the assert! macro calls panic! to cause the . You signed out in another tab or window. これらは時として、 例によるマクロ 、 macro_rules! マクロ 、あるいはただ単に マクロ とも称されます。. This crate exports a macro that implements this feature. rs - foo - foo/mod. Yes, proc-macro-hack works with any stable Rust compiler 1. rs and libstd/macros. I need to generate an exported macro using an outer macro, where the inner, exported macro uses Kleene operators. "Macros By Example" (MBE)) and procedural macros (or "proc macros"; including custom derives). Macros allow you to generate code at compile time, abstract over syntax, and perform compile time operations to generate more optimal code. If you want to export the macro in this path, for crate local macros don't use #[macro_export] as all. The code compiler_builtins exports some macros for use by its tests, but rustc seems to make these available to any code as if they were part of the prelude. Save on Spotify. k. #[macro_export] macro_rules! m2 {. You can use this to limit namespace pollution, or to override specific macros, like so: // Import *only* the `X!` macro. only allowing the attribute to be #[macro_export] or #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)]: You can do it the other way (i. rs. With this, identifiers inside the macro don't interfere with identifiers outside which does prevent a couple of bugs that commonly happen with macro systems like C's. The documentation for the constant will be added to the generated macro verbatim. However, with rust edition 2018 and dropping extern crate declarations from lib. [0:21] The Rust compiler suggests using the MacroTranscriber : DelimTokenTree. For example, functions have a type signature, type parameters have trait bounds, and overloaded functions must belong to a particular trait. Mar 31, 2020 · The issue is that any #[macro_export] macro m is placed into the root module, so the result of the query "is m defined in the root?" is indeterminate until the crate is completely expanded and no potential #[macro_export] s remain. Custom macros can be defined using procedural macros or attribute-like macros. macro are proper items Unlike with macro_rules macros, which are textually scoped and require #[macro_export] (and potentially a re-export) to be treated as an item, macro macros behave Mar 27, 2020 · Import/Export Rules Are Confusing. , or we just copy and paste the macros we need. When used in tandem with #[export_tokens], these macros allow you to create regular and attribute proc macros in which you can import and make use of the tokens of external/foreign items marked Feb 16, 2021 · Published 2021-02-16 on blog. #[macro_export] exports the macro under the crate root. It means to import ("use") the macros from the crate. A macro invocation within a block could stand for some items, or for an Syntax for invoking macros is the same as for macro_rules and function-like procedural macros, the name followed by a ! followed by the macro input token tree. Jun 1, 2018 · Because depending nightly rustc is what I'd like to avoid. The modules must be defined within the body of the macro - autoexport does not know about modules inside files. Custom macros can provide more flexibility and control over code generation. com Rust provides a powerful macro system that allows metaprogramming. About this restriction: proc-macro crate types cannot export any items other than functions tagged with #[proc_macro_derive] Well, since the proc-macro crate is loaded by the compiler, not linked to the rest of your Dec 23, 2022 · As procedural macros are expanded at parse-time, there is no type information available to the macro. Jul 8, 2020 · 7. Rustにおいて、最もよく使用される形態のマクロは、 宣言的マクロ です。. Assuming you don't control the TS macro and cannot change it, this is indeed a problem. Ideally, I would just have put my_core_code inside of my_proc_macro, and export it from there. This is why your first example works (where the macro call is inside main ), while your second example doesn't. So, in the book there is this example on re-exporting items from a module. In short Jan 23, 2023 · For anyone who would like to work on this, the following code needs to be adjusted to check if the meta-item list is empty or if it only contains the identifier local_inner_macros (i. SimonSapin mentioned this issue on Aug 18, 2018. Use declarations support a number of convenient shortcuts: Simultaneously binding a list of paths with a common prefix, using the glob-like brace syntax use a::b::{c, d, e::f, g::h::i Sep 5, 2023 · マクロ内で #hoge と書くと、その部分は hoge という変数の値と置き換えられる // stringify! マクロは。. Rust allows you to define your own custom macros using the macro keyword. rs:14:1 | 14 | macro_rules! some_macro { | ^^^^^ | | help: to share macros between modules in a proc-macro crate, mark the module defining the macro as # [macro_use] or re-export the macro Aug 6, 2012 · eholk commented on Aug 6, 2012. So for this case you should be able to use crate::a::foo_aux in the macro, and it should always points to the same object. pub use quux::foo::{bar, baz}; pub mod foo {. Jul 30 · PodRocket - A web development podcast from LogRocket. A crate providing a macro to re-export a procedural macro. zero or more items, zero or more methods, an expression, a statement, or; a pattern. rs from junk. While compiler_builtins should be fixed to not export these, it is also strange that the prelude includes these macros. A let statement is only valid inside a code block. The intent is that all macros marked with the #[macro_export] attribute are made available in the root of the crate. 30, this syntax is no longer generally needed and you can use the standard use keyword instead. Currently this library is geared toward use in Rust procedural macros, but contains some APIs that may be useful more generally. Rust's 2018 edition added improved syntax for this, but the 2015 edition syntax is still legal, so it's pretty easy to get tripped up. However, when a macro_rules! definition is generated by another macro, the macro expansion is unable to uphold this rule. Example: Oct 10, 2020 · proc-macro crate: Depends on the internal crate, so it can use its types and traits. If the macro expects a literal, somethings that expands to a literal (e. However, this crate still exists for Rust versions before 1. () => {. The uncommon_codepoints warning. Contributor Author. Have the macro take a path to inline_proc::invoke_inline_macro. However, using pub in front of macro_rules points us to the actual solution. 0, patterns are extended to support | nested anywhere Mar 22, 2023 · I didn't mean to use a procedural macro in the crate where it is, which marked proc-macro = true. Procedural macros (often shortened to "proc-macros") are a unique Rust feature that allow creating custom derives, attributes and function-like macros in regular Rust code that is run at compile time. Mar 16, 2015 · - lib. Suffix the Feb 21, 2015 · It also has a few consequences for the design of Rust's macro system. Macro exports being what they are, this: mod module { #[macro_export] macro_rules! mymacro { () => { } } pub use self::mymacro; } will work in terms of being able to Apr 15, 2018 · help. Thus, crate::baz!() will work, but foo::baz!() won't (and you don't need #[macro_use], it is for using the macro in another crates). Oct 18, 2023 · In Rust, you can re-export items from one module into another, allowing the second module to act as a proxy for the first. One consequence is that Rust must determine, when it parses a macro invocation, whether the macro stands in for. However, Rust only allows proc-macros to be exported from proc-macro crates, nothing else. Before Rust 2018, you had to import macro from other crates by adding the attribute #[macro_use] to the extern crate util; statement. fish. Macros in Rust are a powerful tool that allow developers to write code that generates other code at compile time. Although the compiler would complain to me. I'm defining a macro that defines other macros like this: macros. Feb 24, 2016 · The default limit is 64, so if you have more input than that, you'll need multiple top-level macro invocations, or you'll have to manually raise the recursion limit by adding a #![recursion_limit="128"] attribute to your crate. answered Mar 2, 2019 at 2:54. Since breaking changes should occur rather seldom, you won't have to change the path in the macro definition very often ;-) In procedural macros there is currently no easy way to get this path. First, there's several different ways to import and export macros. One downside is that scoping works differently for macros, compared to other constructs in the language. Definition and expansion of macros both happen in a single depth-first, lexical-order traversal of a crate’s source. And that crate exporting those derive macros and other items. 1 + 2 などのような Rust の式を取り、コンパイル時に "1 + 2" のような文字列リテラルにその式を変換する let gen = quote! { impl HelloMacro for #name { fn hello_macro macro-v. toml directly. Review the macros chapter from the first edition of The Rust Programming Language for more detail. Join me on Lemmy! Jul 28, 2020 · Rustのマクロの書き方を一通りご紹介します。macro_rules!で定義する一般的な宣言マクロはもちろん、#[derive]で使う自動導出マクロや属性マクロなどの手続きマクロも説明します。これであなたも黒魔術師! 2020/07/28 OPTiM TECH NIGHT|Rustの全マクロ種別が分かったつもりになれる話! https://optim. Each macro is available for use when linking against the standard //! library. Can't you re-export the macro in the prelude with a pub use crate::my_macro; ? Pretty sure #[macro_export] is no longer necessary Feb 17, 2024 · 1. For macros defined locally, #[macro_use] mod foo; is still required, as it was in Rust 2015. Indeterminacies like this cause import resolution to stuck, like it happened in #53144 and similar cases. Currently in Rust, a macro definition qualified by #[macro_export] becomes available to other crates. Each rule has two parts: a matcher, describing the syntax that it matches, and a transcriber , describing the syntax Feb 3, 2021 · In this tutorial, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Rust macros, including an introduction to macros in Rust and a demonstration of how to use Rust macros with examples. Thus, you should write this: /// Usage: ///. A macro is defined using the macro_rules! keyword. // stuff. Dec 30, 2018 · 7. Dec 31, 2016 · Note that this type has to be public to be accessible in other crates which use your macro! This means the type belongs to the public interface of your crate and changing its path is considered a breaking change. Additionally, if the extern crate appears in the crate root, then the crate name is also added to the extern prelude, making it automatically in scope in Jun 22, 2019 · And since the compilation flow is different, the crate type must also be different, that is why the proc_macro=true is needed. And it’s probably not the only instance. During the parsing phase, the normal Rust parser will set aside the contents of macros and their Nov 8, 2016 · Currently, the macro namespace bounds can only be constrained across crates. 在 Rust 的 2015 和 2018 版本中,导入 macro_rules! 宏是不一样的。 仍然建议阅读这两部分,因为 2018 版使用的结构在 2015 版中做出了解释。 Macros. One option would be to publish my_proc_macro and my_core_code as Dec 30, 2023 · Custom Macros. The visibility of declarative macros is not consistent with the behavior of other items in rust, necessitating the use of #[macro_use] and #[macro_export] instead of pub or pub(), such inconsistencies make the mental burden and cognitive cost significant. #[macro_export] pub const BASE_URL: &str = "https://myapi. concat!() won't work. 31. I can import the trait explicitly when I use this macro. This is why you need to add stm32f103xx to your Cargo. When generating docs for macro_rules! macros, rustdoc will include every rule, including internal rules that are only supposed to be called from within your macro. I detailed this pattern in this post: Proc macros Jun 11, 2023 · Rustの宣言的マクロ ( macro_rules! )は、Cのマクロに比べて健全なマクロ (hygienic macros 衛生的なマクロとも訳される)が書きやすいようにできています。. with no luck. Jan 19, 2024 · Macros are a powerful part of Rust that allow you to execute code at compile time. Consider the following scenario: Let's say there's a crate called definition containing a foo macro: pub fn foo(_input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { unimplemented!() I've created a reexport crate: Now, when I try to use the reexported macro: Sep 7, 2023 · error: cannot export macro_rules! macros from a ` proc-macro ` crate type currently --> macros/src/macros. rs - macros. Exporting the macros. macro_rules! Y { () => {} } X!(); // X is defined, and so is Y! When exporting macros, it is often useful to refer to non-macro symbols in the defining crate. This seems like an instance of the XY problem. The functionality and syntax of Rust can be extended with custom definitions called macros. The Import and Export chapter goes more in-depth into said attribute. There are two types of macros in Rust: macro_rules! macros (a. MacroTranscriber : DelimTokenTree. Rust with Luca Palmieri. When such a macro is invoked by an unqualified identifier (an identifier that isn't part of a multi-segment path), it is first looked up in textual scoping and then in path-based scoping should the first lookup Jul 24, 2021 · Hi, everyone! Now I try to implement a macro rule that will use a trait defined at another file. In the main function, we access the macro using the May 29, 2023 · Path-Based Scope. huonw added the A-syntaxext label on Sep 8, 2014. rs:9:9 | 9 | pub use _a as a; | ^^^^^ | = note: `#[deny(macro Feb 2, 2023 · Meaning, if you use an inner_macro call inside of outer_macro, both have to be visible at wherever outer_macro is being used. You signed in with another tab or window. 15+. And although they are the only way of writing custom attributes and derives, vastly more powerful and Rust doesn't support return (condition) ? if_true : if_false;. This second approach leads to code duplication and lots of subtly different で宣言的なマクロ. See Rust's documentation on this topic. toml in order to specify the use of macros in your own lib. Use local_inner_macros to allow compilation with new-style macro imports SimonSapin/rust-std-candidates#14. io/" ; The keyword crate can be used for this purpose, as it always points to the root of the module it was used in. Merged. Exporting a macro to allow other modules to use it: #[macro_export] // ^~~~~~ Think of it as `pub` for macros. This allows for adding additional public items in addition to re-exported derives. 核となるのは、宣言的マクロは、Rustの match 式に似た何か Doc comments can be added as well. To export the generated macro, simply add the #[macro_export] attribute to the constant definition. The assert! macro, provided by the standard library, is useful when you want to ensure that some condition in a test evaluates to true. Automatically export a series of modules from a top-level module. } The way in which mbe macros are scoped can be somewhat unintuitive. $_:pat_param is available in all editions. Each rule has two parts: a matcher, describing the syntax that it matches, and a transcriber , describing the syntax Nov 14, 2022 · 宣言マクロは、手続マクロとは違いクレートを分けなくても実装は可能です。可能なのですが、モジュール外に公開するために #[macro_export] 属性を付けると、クレートルートレベルで公開されてしまう様です。気にしなければ気にしないで良いとは思うの Scoping and macro import/export. rs - foo/junk. In your case the lib. () => {} m1!(); I can use m2! in another crate by use {{crate_name}}::macros::*, and I can use m2! in macros. Oct 6, 2023 · In our solution code: We add #[macro_export] to the macro definition to indicate that it should be exported and accessible from other modules. Attribute-like macros that define custom attributes usable on any item. As of March 2022, macro_export exports to the root, and the Aug 19, 2021 · I have a proc-macro that, among a bunch of other things, generates definitions for a number macro_rules! macros. The main reasoning for this is how they are handled in the 2015 Edition of Rust due to macro_rules! macros not being namespaced in said edition. If you want to stick with them, you'll have to pass the whole string to the macro, which is Rust macros are not just text replacement. g. An alternative would be to use internal rules, as @Jmb pointed out: macro_rules! outer_macro {. "public" crate: Depends on both the internal and proc-macro crates. fn is_ipv4 ( val : & str ) -> i32 { ternary ! Aug 17, 2018 · Regardless, this is a case of code that compiles on earlier versions and doesn’t anymore. As of Rust 1. Since I'm totally new to the language I wanted to ask here first, before opening an issue on the documentation. lu hu uz jd sg jo by nd me ij

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